Thursday, March 1, 2012

Two days and same daily draw! (Update)

It has never happened before. I have been religiously drawing two (I did three too) cards for a daily draw since December and I never had this happened to me, but did it just happen?

The cards  I drew yesterday was Roads + Clover, and today again I have drawn the same combo yet again. I wrote in my journal "nothing happened, no decision, no choice, only a busy routine day" after that I shuffled and drew two cards and there I have them again.

My method of drawing cards (if its upto 7 cards) is that I shuffle and divide the cards into that many piles as I would like the number of cards. If its two, I usually shuffle, drop down two piles from left to right and pull off the top two cards so there is no way its just not shuffled enough or just a coincidence. The point is I'm unable to put my finger on the reason why I have drawn the decision or alternative/options and that too a lucky one again.

*scratching head*

Oh look at the numbers, isn't that a lot of 2's and haven't I been noticing the Two's a lot lately? The daily tarot card was also Two of Pentacles.

Seeing number two often symbolizes a need to plan, organize, balance, diplomacy, choice, partnership, communication. I think I know why I'm seeing it.

Update: That was fun and I realized it soon why the cards were telling me to go ahead with a decision. The Roads were pertaining to a journey I had to make by road. Its a place where my aunt and uncle live. My mother was planning to visit them but I was not sure whether I should go or I should not. The cards were telling me to go ahead so that I can get away from the worries of everyday for  a while and see some nature and have some fun. I'm glad I went ahead and had fun!

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