Friday, June 1, 2012

Week 22 weekly Draw

I cannot believe the week is almost over and I'm uploading this one now.

Ship - Child - Moon - Mice - Dog - Stars - Lady

The Mice card is in the middle again. This card is the card of worries, loss and anxiety. The Mice actually is the voice in the head which does not let you sleep at night. The Mice this week is eating at my feelings and my recognition, while making me lose a friend or my general trust and friendliness.One of the things about Moon-Mice is sleepless nights which I am having these days.

The Mice actually ate at my nerves and my sensitivity towards this friend of mine and I ended up disappointing him. He has not talked to me in two days.Other than that the Mice kept me worried for most part of the week. One after the other there are some disappointments and worries.

Last week ended with discussion of a trip and whether or not I'm taking one, I decided on the very last day of the week that I am going and this week the Ship is present at the start of the week, the day when the paper work started.

Ship - Child - Moon

Child - Moon is my combination for hyper sensitivity. I have been hyper-sensitive about this trip because I do not have a choice whether or not I want to go. I didn't know whether I wanted to be happy about it or sad about the problems that have been nagging in my head.

Dog - Stars - Lady

Stars are making me hopeful and also the friends have been a great support in making me feel happy about the situation. Just last night I was being worried about something and my friend was there to support me and he told me that being positive will bring me positive things only. The Lady is reflecting Ship which means I am looking forwards to this trip. The Dog is reflecting Moon , this friend is quite a sensitive friend. The Child is reflecting Stars, I'm very much happy with the renewed hope.

This turned out to be my friend's expectations and hopes related to me. I know I must have disappointed him, but it was not intentional. He has not talked to me in 2 days now.

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