Saturday, March 21, 2020

What do we need to know about Corona Virus COVID-19?

Weather: Cloudy
 Cards: Moon + Mice + Crossroads

Key Card: Moon
Moon: Public recognition, intuition, emotions, night-time
Mice: nagging worries, loss of sleep, whatever is to right is lost
Crossroads: options, decisions, more than one

Moon + Mice = loss of sleep, stressful nights, worrying  recognition, hidden things surfacing

Looking at the Moon being main card, I can see that this virus has got our attention and should be paid attention to. There will be phases of highs and lows just like the moon changes its phases. Next to the moon card, we have Mice, which also means loss of sleep for me. I am sure many are having sleepless nights. There is constant worries and emotional dilemma with both people and authorities right now.
With Mice and Roads, I sense there are not many options available. We need this to globally take it's toll and then find alternatives.
We need to rely on our instincts and creativity here. I still take Moon as a positive card here with Roads and believe there will be alternatives found soon. Maybe in couple of lunar cycles, we get to hear a piece of good news.

What are your cards telling you?

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