Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Subject Concerned Spread by Golden Mousedeer

Original spread & author of blog found here

I came across this reading so I decided to do one for myself, actually regarding this man.

Q: What are his thoughts & situation regarding his relationship/friendship with me?

The Current Situation:
Moon - Lady - Heart

So I'm at the centre & he thinks of me as a dreamer, and also as an affectionate, in-love with love person. The appearance of Moon makes me wonder if he dreams about me. There are dreams, intuition, emotions, regarding me & possibly feelings of affection too, in his thoughts.

Possible evolution:
Man + Storks. Storks is usually a man who does not stick to something for long which is surprising me since he is a Venus in Capricorn guy & he is anything but flighty or unstable. Either way, he would want a change in situation, soon.

I posted this spread a month ago, and what I have found regarding this Man - Storks thing is that his behaviour towards me has actually changed, improved.

What Dominates : Coffin.
I would have hated to see Cross here, but Coffin is a card of grief & concern, which usually does not last long. So I think there is dominating factor of change, a process where we are getting to know each other after the bad closure we had the last time around & it won't be long before things are happy again. Precisely, in context of the question, his grief is dominating the situation.He is a workaholic & I'm the lady with a warm heart, he sure would want a Change soon!

Contact, information & communication. Its amazing how it fits the description since we are physcially far away & we only write to each other, usually long messages, so I should expect some more communication before things can change.

Overall, I call this spread good.

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