Friday, November 4, 2011

Practice Readings

I lately feel like I have lost my grip on my Lenormand Deck, therefore I decided to do some practice.

Why did he not call me today?


Bear can be his boss, or his mother, looks like she had to go somewhere (Bear+ Roads) that is why she took him with her. The Heart is middle suggests that he was happy and content going there. Stars + Heart tells he missed me, but he had some undecided work to do. I wonder if he went somewhere like a college or library or he had some documentation to do.

Base card: Rider. IT definitely tells he was on the go today. 
Adding numbers: 5-Tree
I hope he was not ill. I really hope.

Update: Bear was actually his boss, who kept him bust till night. He wanted to talk to me but he was busy with some paperwork . I confirmed with him if there were 2 kinds of works involved and it was right! Tree was his delay that he made in going home and then going sleep.

Q:  What Should I do to reduce weight?
Rider - Mountain - Fish - Moon - House
Base: Dog

I have never done these sort of questions with these cards but I was tempted to do them. The Rider +Mountain tells me that instead of sitting down I should move around lot. Mountain+ Fish tells that I should drink more liquids specially at night (Fish + Moon) or specially clear liquids. Moon can be milk as well since that is white in color. Moon + House talks "comfortable sleep" which is quite true since I need to get my sleeping patterns changed.
The Base card tells me to be active, and sporty if I want to lose weight.
Adding Numbers: 1-Clover. This can literally be green vegetables or it can be referring to small portions.

Q: What should I do to improve my ailment?
Stars - Rider - Birds - Garden - House

This suggests I can use spiritual means to cleanse. Active imagination can help. Stars and Birds both refer to night time, therefore, night time regimes are important. Garden+ House suggests home remedies and herbal solutions. 
Base Card: Moon. again an emphasis on night time. It looks like my night-time sleep is really upsetting my system.
Adding numbers: 13- Child. It looks like small things can help a lot, specially being happy. not doing anything big , its just a matter of time and improvement shall occur.

Q; What is he going to do to make up with me?
Anchor - Sun - Clouds - Man - Fox
Base: Lily

It looks like he is quite determined to get things going again, but he is not really optimistic, neither is he quite hopeful about it with the clouds darker side towards the Sun. However his confusions are clearing up in the end and finally he is at his guard.
So He is determined to clear things up with his optimism while guarding himself at the same time.The base card tells me in the end we shall be back to our harmonious talks.
Adding Numbers: 11-Whip. We are definitely having an argument though.

update: He actually was determined to explain it to me and he did, but he was a little disappointed too, because of what I said to him. Fox was just his ability to not let me put any blame on him, thus guarding himself. In the end things were fine between us, after we had an argument .

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